Days Gone By

Days Gone By
If only time stood still...

About Me

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I am mother, daughter, sister, wife, student, employee, and a person in constant state of self-improvement. This is a place where I can vent, express ideas, share photos and just connect with others.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Senator Margaret Chase Smith

I had the pleasure of joining Trav and 30 other 3rd graders on a fieldtrip to the Margaret Chase Smith Library and house today. I wasn't completely excited about the 3 hour bus ride (each way), but I must admit that I'm very glad I went. I learned more about this woman than I had ever expected... I could go on all day, but in a nutshell she was the 1st female voted into both the House and Senate and for many years was the only female Senator in the country. She was also the 1st female to run for President (she came in 2nd to Goldwater in the Republican Primary). What amazing accomplishments and standards she has set for future generations. After her career in Washington (which spanned 32 years) she returned to her hometown of Skowhegan, Maine, which is where she opened up a library next to her home, and this is where she died at 97 years of age. Her house still looks today as it did the day she died. Nothing is out of place... it's amazing. Her cremated remains are on a shelf in the living room, per her request, so that she will always be in her beloved home.

Trav playing this antique piano - it was given as a gift to Margaret Chase Smith many years ago, although she said she could never play very well...

The "Eisenhower Room"... Pres. Eisenhower, while on a visit to Skowhegan, became tired and napped in this bed at Senator Smith's home. The bedspread was handmade by Senator Smith's mother very long ago... this picture doesn't do it justice at all...

Campaign poster

Don't mind the flash (ugh), but I really liked these words spoken by her:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Visit with Nana...

So... the kids, Dennis & I went to visit Dennis's Nana on Friday - she's 94 years old and fabulous :) Unfortunately, her health is failing and this was the last time we would see her. We have all been blessed to have her in our lives and I know that I'm a better person for having known her. Here are a few pictures of us with her... she's an amazing woman, the smile on her face was amazing, considering... There were also lots of tears - here are just some of the happy moments we have shared with her:

Just the girls... Aunt Kathy and Andrea are with us...

Me, T and Nana

Dennis, Trav & Nana

Thanks for looking ~ Until next time ~

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Biggest Loser - Season 7

This year I became addicted to The Biggest Loser... my fave team was the father/son team of Ron & Mike... Ron (the dad & the sickest contestant) has been obese his whole life and hadn't weighed under 300 pounds since he was a teen. Mike is 18 (the youngest contestant) and was close to 400 pounds, well on his way to following his father's health patterns.

Mike After: (what a cute kid)
Ron After: (He lost over 200 pounds!)
So, if they can lose 200 pounds then I certainly can lose 5 or 10, right???? It just takes discipline and hard work...
Until next time....

Monday, May 11, 2009

No more training wheels...

So... we looked outside the other day & little miss 'T' was riding Trav's old bike (which has no training wheels) right down the driveway... I couldn't believe it! I grabbed the camera and off I went... Man, they grow too fast!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Last night was the big recital... here are just a few pics to share:

T before her stage debut:

My hip-hop class posing at the end:

Trav doing his "thing"

Heather looking like a model: