Days Gone By

Days Gone By
If only time stood still...

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I am mother, daughter, sister, wife, student, employee, and a person in constant state of self-improvement. This is a place where I can vent, express ideas, share photos and just connect with others.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Think Spring...

As I sit here, I am looking outside where there is no snow (and yes... we're only in the middle of March), the temps are in the 60's and the sun is shining brightly... Spring fever has set in! But... does this mean that we'll be paying back to Mother Nature this summer or even next winter? How could we have such a mild winter and get away with it?

I don't like feeling negative or pessimistic, because truthfully, I'm enjoying this fabulous weather. Yes, this is unseasonable for Maine...

And... we are supposed to drop back down into the 40s next week (still not bad).

However, I can't help but wonder what is in store for us later this year?
(Just a random pic to bring a smile to your face)

1 comment:

Mama H said...

My Mom and I were JUST talking about this today! I keep wondering if we're going to have a BRUTAL summer this year. Oh boy...I'm not big on the MUGGY HEAT so this could get interesting. Uuuh.